We all tend to overthink over most of the things in our life. It may be a trivial issue for others but not for the person who is overthinking on it. The mind has the power to control all the thoughts. If we do not control our mind of thoughts, then we are pushing ourselves into a dangerous state of mind of overthinking.
When we overthink of silly or small issues in our life, for example if someone hasn’t replied to our message or if someone did not like our profile picture on social media or someone has not invited to their house for a gathering, whatever the reasons may be for those situations, if you start to keep thinking on finding the reasons behind those issues, you will constantly think and think and end up overthinking. This will destroy your own happiness and peace of mind.
We all go through ups and downs of life that is how life is meant to be. We cannot live each day in our life as we need, circumstances change. Blending with the changes in life is the real-life challenge. There is no need to ponder so deeply over small things in life, just let it go, just live your life to the fullest with good thoughts and deeds. Do not let your mind to overthink on someone else’s behaviour. People change, relations change, friends change, society changes in fact the whole world is changing every day and so our near and dear ones. By overthinking, you develop negative thoughts and it can lead to depression. When you face terrible situations in life, remain positive and let nature take its role, accept the outcome, it may be difficult at times, but if there is no way of a solution to certain problems, overthinking does not help, instead it will crush you further and whatever positivity within you also diminishes. We all are bound to succeed and fail. No one is either successful always or failure in life. Overthinking drains your brain, makes you more forgetful and self-confidence reduces. This will make you less productive. Overthinking does not help to resolve any problem, instead it creates more problems, and it may even lead to depression. There is nothing worse than seeing a person depressed, who may appear normal in front of others.
Rather than overthinking on any issues which is actually of least important in your life but it may be hard to accept the fact, you must make up your mind and accept that change and go ahead in your life. Your own life is precious to yourself first, do not waste it on worrying and overthinking. At times when we are worrying and thinking of any problem over and over, we are overthinking just not thinking. Today the whole world is facing the crisis of COVID 19 pandemic. Many have lost their lives, at time of death no loved ones were allowed to hold the hands of the dying person, many are jobless, homeless, lonely, striving to live a normal life but unable to do so, overthinking people who are overthinking simple problems in life imagine the situation of those above who have been affected to the pandemic crises. Try to overcome the emotion of overthinking and just enjoy the life that God has given by searching for goodness in others.
Jyothsna D., Sydney, AU
( Originally Published in DW)
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